Art and Design
Subject Leader: Miss Deakin-Mundy
Our Art and Design curriculum aims to engage, inspire and challenge pupils through a knowledge-based curriculum. Our focus is to equip all children with the necessary skills and knowledge to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. The Art curriculum gives the children an insight into the working method of known artists and the influences of different cultures throughout the world, past and present. Across the school, we aim to provide broad opportunities for children to become proficient in drawing, painting and sculpting.
We have a carefully constructed curriculum to ensure that our mixed-age classes make progress each year. Please click here for details.
Our curriculum is well-planned and makes links with other subject areas, to enhance children’s learning. Through our programme of study, children develop their proficiency talents in drawing, painting and sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. This provides a rounded curriculum with extensive opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in Art and Design. Practical work accounts for 80% of lessons as Art & Design is reliant on practical skill development and practice. The remainder is spent learning about key artists, ideas and inspiration via the history of art. This is also reviewed as part of regular prior and spaced learning exercises.
We stipulate clearly that children should never ‘copy’ an artist’s work; we encourage a creative response and take inspiration to ensure originality. Children’s learning may be similar and the inspiration clear but they will still develop their own ideas and creative thinking to produce their own response.
In Art and Design, we implement an inclusive curriculum that meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum.
Within each Art and Design unit, children build on their prior learning to extend their knowledge, skills and techniques. A series of inspiring lessons are planned around an artist, craft maker or designer, which provides a stimulus to support the development of their own work. Children are also given the opportunity to develop the language of art and explore working within sketchbooks. Post-learning evaluations are planned to demonstrate progress, knowledge and understanding whilst also giving children a voice. Teachers assess learning in Art and Design against knowledge and skills-based learning objectives within Unit Overviews.
The subject has been planned to ensure that children are given the opportunity to develop working outside of the classroom for example drawing the landscape from the front of the school links to their learning about landscape environments and how different artists have responded to theirs.
Our curriculum is delivered through highly effective ‘quality first teaching’. Enrichment opportunities, including outdoor learning, inspirational visitors, educational visits and events. These provide our children with varied experiences and enhance teaching, learning and knowledge.
Our Art and Design curriculum promotes children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development, ensuring that they are reflective and responsible citizens. Fundamental British Values are actively promoted in Art and Design lessons in order to prepare the children for life in Modern Britain.
Our Art and Design curriculum ensures that children are able to build on their knowledge, skills and techniques across their school life and are proud to celebrate their work within school and in the wider community. Through the breadth and depth that our curriculum offers, our children are well-equipped in Art and Design for the next stage in their education. Our curriculum enables children to become creative and lifelong learners.