Modern Foreign Languages
Curriculum Design at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
Curriculum Area: French
Curriculum Leader: Miss Perkins
The skills, knowledge and understanding gained through the learning of French are essential skills in the development of each child’s aspirations and knowledge of the world as well as their understanding of their own culture and identity.
Teaching is inclusive of all children and aims to enhance and broaden not only cultural awareness but also develop oracy and literacy skills deepening each child’s understanding of another language and in turn their own. The curriculum and lessons are carefully planned around logical pupil progression in the ‘3 pillars’ of language: phonics, vocabulary, grammar – and the interplay between them. For the curriculum overview, please click here.
Children are encouraged to be Global citizens and, fostering a love of learning languages is at the heart of Foreign Language learning at St Mary’s.
French lessons introduce children to a new language in a way that is fun and focuses initially on teaching children to speak, sing and respond to questions and instructions in French. Teaching focuses on learning through different styles, with children engaging in singing songs that develop and reinforce vocabulary, games that encourage fluency and role play where children can rehearse and perform conversations expressing opinions and responding to those of others.
Children begin to learn French in Class 3 and continue in Class 4. We follow a special mixed-age scheme that allows for the progression of learning. As children develop their skills, they are encouraged to express their ideas and thoughts in French and to understand and respond to speakers in writing in addition to speech. Children’s vocabulary is broadened through regular opportunities for them to be immersed in their target language.
The French curriculum is well-planned with a focus on practical communication and how the structure of the language differs from English, helping children to develop their own understanding of their own language whilst developing skills in another.
Our French curriculum is delivered through highly effective ‘quality first teaching’. MFL is timetabled for 1 hour per week.
Our French curriculum promotes children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development, supporting children to become reflective and responsible citizens of the world.
Our French curriculum ensures that children progressively acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary organised around topics. Through the breadth and depth that our curriculum offers, children have an appropriate balance of spoken and written language, which lay the foundations for further language learning. Our curriculum encourages children to become confident global citizens within the ‘modern world.’
Learning from the Best of the Best: Gustave Eiffel.
Class 4 have been learning about this remarkable man who built so many famous buildings around the world.
They have also imagined that they have zoomed around France on an aeroplane visiting many of its impressive historic and tourist locations such as Paris, Monaco, Carcassone and Bordeaux.
Arni's research on Gustave Eiffel!
'Best of the Best'
At St. Mary's, we believe in learning from the Best!
Nicolas Hulot
Why we consider Nicolas Hulot to be the 'Best of the Best!"
As part of Class 4's vehicle, 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle', their french learning has been connected to environmental issues in France. Students have produced presentations discussing these issues. Class 4 have researched and investigated the French environmentalist Nicolas Hulot. They have considered his impact on the world and thought about why he is in an inspiration to us all.