School Logo

Class 2



Please check this page daily to see the work set each day. 



Thursday 1st April 2021


Please login to Google Classroom at the following times:


9.10- Whole class English.

10.30- Year 2- Maths- symmetry

11.10-Year 1 Maths- subtraction 

11.45- Assembly

Wednesday 31st March 2021

9.05 AM - End of term mass 

Please login to Google Classroom at the following times:


9.30- Whole class English- you will need a piece of paper and a pencil.

10.30- Year 2 Maths- Counting vertices of 2D shapes.

11.15- Year 1 Maths- Subtraction.

1.10 - Whole Class- Computing

Tuesday 30th March 2021


Please login to Google Classroom for Maths and English.


09.10 - English- whole class. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil. 

10.30 - Maths- Year 2- You will need the 'side of shapes' worksheet printed off or copied onto paper. 

11.15 - Maths- Year 1- You will need the 'subtraction'  worksheet printed off or copied onto paper. 


Friday 5th March 2021


Good morning! We have made it! Well done for all of your hard work over the last few weeks. We are very proud of you and can't wait to welcome you back on Monday. Please remember to bring back all of your books ready to continue lessons next week. Some of you have asked about PE days, this term they will be on Tuesdays and Fridays so please come in your kit on those days. 


Due to meetings today, can I ask for you all to watch both phonics videos below and then complete the English activity on the PowerPoint.


I will be on live for Maths at the usual times for both year groups.

Year 1, you have got a worksheet to complete so it might be handy to print this off prior to the lesson. 




Reading 'ear'- 


Spelling 'ear'-

English: (two options of sheets)

Year 1 Maths Worksheet:

Thursday 3rd March 2021


Please login to Google Classroom for English and Maths.

Wednesday 3rd March 2021


Please login to Google Classroom at the normal times for English and Maths. 


Mass will be at 11.30am. I have put the link on Google Classroom. 

Tuesday 2nd March 2021



Reading 'oa':


Writing 'oa':

Monday 1st March 2021

Monday timetable and video links:

Friday 26th February 2021

Friday Timetable and Lesson Links:

Thursday 25th February 2021


Please login to Google Classroom for maths and English.

Wednesday 24th February 2021


Please login to Google Classroom at the normal times for Maths and English.

Mass will be at 11.30. I will put the link on Google Classroom. 
Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Tuesday timetable and video links:


Still image for this video
Please watch today's short Lent video.


Still image for this video

Monday 2nd February 2021


Good morning! I hope you have all had a lovely half term! 


Mrs Corbett will be delivering a Lent assembly this morning at 9.30am so there will be a slight change from our normal timetable. I have posted the link on the Class 2 Page on Google Classroom.


Monday's timetable: 


9.15-9.30- Phonics Video 1- reading (Year 1 and 2) 


9.30-10.00- Assembly - (link on Goggle Classroom)


10.15-10.30- Phonics video 2- Spelling (Year 1 and 2)



10.45 - Year 2 Maths on Google Classroom

11.15- Year 1 Maths on Google Classroom

PE With Joe 2021 | Monday 22nd Feb

Friday 12th February 2021


Good morning. I am in meetings today, so unfortunately I won't be on for English lessons. I am aiming to be on for maths at the normal time but please bear with me if I am running late or feel free to go through the PowerPoints yourselves.


Please join us for Congratulations assembly at 11.45. I will put the link in the Google Classroom chat after break. 


Please find the Maths and English work below.

Half Term Challenge-  St Mary’s STEM Science Challenge 1


Tallest Tower


For our first challenge we are focussing on engineering. Your aim is to build the tallest free-standing tower out of everyday objects at home. Your tower must be able to stand without support.


Once you have created your tower, measure it. Now, stand next to your tower with a piece of paper showing the measurement and get someone to take a photo of you and your tower.


Upload your photograph to: 

Thursday 11th February 2021


Please login to Google Classroom for English and Maths.

RE- Please read through the Prodigal Son Parable and complete the worksheet.

Wednesday 10th February 2021


Please login to Google Classroom for English and maths at the normal times. 


Mass will be at 11.30- I will put the link in the chat box on Google Classroom. Please feel free to copy the link and join us. 

Tuesday 9th February 

Please join us at 11.40 on Google Classroom for a KS1 assembly about Safer Internet Day.

Please follow the Tuesday timetable:


9.15-10.15- Year 2 Phonics

9.15-10.15- Year 1 Purple Mash Maths


10.45-11.45- Year 1 Phonics

10.45-11.45- Year 2 Purple Mash Maths

Monday 8th February 2021


Good morning!


I am out of class today so there will be no live lessons. I have attached the maths PowerPoints below for you to go through and you can complete the accompanying pages in the work book. 


In English, we will be carrying on looking at the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. 

Read the story again to refresh your memory. (It is attached below)


Today, we will be writing as Jack from the story. We will be writing a letter to the Giant to apologise for the things we have done. Please find the writing template on Purple Mash along with some tips about structuring your letter and things to include in your sentences. If you'd prefer, you can write your letter on a piece of paper and send me a copy.

Friday 5th February 2021 Please login to Google Classroom for English and maths.
Thursday 4th February 2021 Please login to Google Classroom for English and maths.

RE- Read the parable of he Prodigal Son and complete the worksheet.

Wednesday 3rd February 2021


Please login to Google Classroom for English and maths.

Tuesday 2nd February 2021


09.15-10.15 - Year 1 and 2- English


Read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk on the PowerPoint below. Practice sequencing the story using the story map sheet and retell the story out loud. On Purple Mash or on a piece of paper retell the story.  


10.45-11.45 - Year 1 and 2- Maths on Purple Mash 

Year 1 comparing numbers.

Year 2 multiplication and arrays. 


We will be resuming all live lessons as normal tomorrow.

PSHE Session 3

PSHE Session 3 02.02.21.mp4

Still image for this video

Monday 1st January 2021


Year 2 please login to Google Classroom for English and maths.


Year 1 please login to Google Classroom for maths at the usual time and complete the English set on Purple Mash. (We will continue with our live English lessons as soon as the majority of the resource packs have been collected)

Mystery and Detective: Yoga Club

Friday 28th January 2021


Please login to Goggle Classroom for English and maths and find the science below. 

Maths PowerPoints (if you can't make the live lesson or it doesn't work)

Thursday 28th January 2021


Please login to Google Classroom for English and maths.


Please watch the CAFOD Assembly today by following the link below. 

Wednesday 27th January 2021


Please login to Google Classroom for English and Maths.


Mass at 11.30- 


Year 1 Maths: 

Today we will be representing numbers to 50.
Usually, we would use our maths baskets to build our numbers but as some of you are at home I have prepared a page of blank picture resources for this lesson which you may want print out or draw copies of a few times to help you represent these numbers.
You could also use Lego for this lesson to build and represent numbers.

Tuesday 26th January 2021


Good morning! Unfortunately we have no internet at school today so I wont be able to provide live lessons. Please complete the maths and English on Purple Mash and Mrs Taylor's music lesson below.


Friday 22nd January 2021


Good morning.


(Just a few reminders for next week-- Monday is an inset day and Tuesday we will be following the slightly different Tuesday timetable due to me being out of class in the afternoon. I will upload the timetable on Tuesday morning.)


Please login to Google Classroom for phonics and maths and find the science below. 

Thursday 21st January 2021


Please login to Google Classroom at the normal times for phonics and maths.

Wednesday 20th January


Please login to Google Classroom at the normal times for phonics and maths. 

Tuesday 19th January 2021


Good morning!


On Tuesdays our timetable may look a little different due to me being out of class on Tuesday afternoons and therefore unable to provide live lessons after lunch as I normally would do for Year 1 Phonics.

Please find the revised timetable below. The normal timetable for live lessons will continue on all other days. 


Tuesday Timetable:

9.15-10.15- Year 2 Live Phonics/English on Google Classroom

9.15-10.15- Year 1 Purple Mash Maths


10.45-11.45 Year 1 Live Phonics/English on Google Classroom

10.45-.11.45 Year 2 Purple Mash Maths



This week's PSHE is all about Feelings and Emotions, please watch the video and then complete the task.

Thank you,

Mrs Taylor

PSHE-Session 2

Still image for this video

Monday 18th January 2021


Good morning- just a reminder that I am out of school today so your work will be posted below and on purple mash. 




Listen to the story 'The dinosaur who pooped a planet' and write the story on purple mash. 

Dino poop story map

Watch the video to see how to make a story map of the main events in the book. This could help you write the story in the correct order without forgetting anything important. You might want to make your own story map before you write the story on Purple Mash.

The Dinosaur that Pooped A Planet

The Dinosaur that Pooped A Planet by Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter.



Please go through the PowerPoint below and complete the accompanying pages in your Power Maths book.

Year 1- Go through the PowerPoint and then complete pages 38-40

Year 2- Go through the PowerPoint below and complete pages 134-136

PE With Joe 2021

Friday 15th January 2021


Please login to Google Classroom for maths and phonics. 


Please find Science below.


On Monday I will be on a training day so I won't be available for live lessons. I will upload the Year 1 and 2 Power Maths PowerPoint to be looked through and then set out the work which needs to be completed in their workbooks and I will set English on Purple Mash.

Thursday 14th January 2020


Please login to Google Classroom for maths and phonics.

Please find the history below.

Wednesday 13th January 2020


Please login to Google Classroom to join us live for your maths and phonics lessons. 

I have attached the timetable below.

Design and Technology- This term our DT project is 'Fruit Salads'. We will be learning about where our food comes from, how to have a balanced diet as well as making and evaluating our own fruit salad. Please find today's lesson and worksheet below.

Tuesday 12th January 2020


Good morning! Please find below the phonics and maths lessons for today. Mrs Taylor has also added her music lesson below and there is a PE with Joe. I sent out emails last night with usernames and passwords for Google Classroom as we are hoping to start live lessons tomorrow. We will be logging in at 2pm for a practice today if anyone would like to give it a go and say hello. 


There is an assembly today at 11.45am (not 11.15 which I put on the email). Please find the link to the assembly on the bottom of the email that I sent to you yesterday. 


If you struggle to log onto Google classroom try following this link. It will take you to the meeting. You will need to be logged in using the information I sent out yesterday. The code for today is: class2 

Year 1 Power Maths 12 01 20

Year 2 Power Maths 12.01.21

Phonics Year 1 12.01.21 part 1

the ee sound

Year 1 phonics 12.01.21 part 2

Continuing with the ee sound

Year 2 phonics 12.01.21

The oi sound

Tuesday 12th January 2021- Music

Still image for this video
Please watch today's video and then use the attached sheet with login details. Finally, complete the task set on the attachment.

Thank you, Mrs Taylor

Tuesday 12.01.210- Music Login Details

PE With Joe

Monday 11th January 2020


Good morning! Unfortunately, we are still awaiting logins for Class 2 to access live lessons so I have pre-recorded the lesson for today's maths, phonics, reading and writing and attached it below. Hopefully, we will be up and running soon! 

Year 1 phonics 11.01.21

The "ay" sound

Year 2 Phonics 11.01.21

The 'ea' sound

Year 1 Power Maths- 11.01.21

Solving word problems- addition

Year 2 -Power Maths- 11.01.21

Making equal amounts of money


This term in Geography we will be studying seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK. I have attached a PowerPoint and some weather videos below to go through and a weather observation sheet to complete. The first sheet is for Year 1 and the second sheet is for Year 2. 

Weather 1

Still image for this video

Weather 2

Still image for this video

Weather 3

Still image for this video

Weather 4

Still image for this video

Friday 8th January 2021


Please find Friday's maths and English activities on Purple Mash, there are video links for maths below which will need to be watched prior to completing the work.


As you are aware, we are still hoping to move to live lessons next week for Maths and English. Please collect your resource packs from school to access this if you have not already done so.


Year 1 Maths video:   (worksheet on purple mash)

Year 2 Maths video:   (worksheet on purple mash) 


I have attached below an RE PowerPoint about the Annunciation and a worksheet to accompany this. 

Thursday 7th January 2020


Please find the English and maths work for Thursday on Purple Mash. 


In English we will be planning a draft of the story Tyrannosaurus drip. I have attached the link below if you do not have a copy. 



Please also find below a PowerPoint of the artist we will be studying this half term. Your child will need a piece of paper, a pencil and crayons for this activity. 

Art- Diana Beltran Herrera

Wednesday 6th January 2021


Please find the maths and English work for Wednesday on Purple Mash.

We are hoping to introduce some live lessons in Class 2 by next week.


His Grace, Archbishop Bernard, is celebrating Mass at St. Chad’s on Wednesday for the Solemnity of the Epiphany at 9:30 which will be livestreamed. The music for this Mass is being provided by Dan and Emily from One Life Music.

Here is the link to the livestream


Mrs Taylor has shared the PSHE lesson she was due to teach this week below. Please follow the link below to watch the story of Tyrannosaurus Drip before going through the PowerPoint and completing the worksheet.  

Tuesday 5th January 2021


Good morning everyone. Please find today's work on Purple Mash. If you have any trouble accessing your account please email me and I can have a look for you. 


Miss Deakin-Mundy 

Friday 17th July 2020
Thursday 16th July 2020
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Monday 13th July 2020
Friday 10th July 2020
Thursday 9th July 2020
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Tuesday 7th July 2020
Monday 6th July 2020
Friday 3rd July 2020
Thursday 2nd July 2020
Wednesday 1st July 2020

Tuesday 30th June 2020


Good morning!


Apologies if yesterday's English work was one you have done before. Oak Academy have shuffled up the order of the lessons. I have corrected it for the rest of this week. 

Monday 29th June 2020


Good morning! It was so nice to see you all on Friday. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. 


(Later this week in art we will be making junk model sculptures, so please keep any bit and pieces you may want to use in your sculpture such as plastic bottles, toilet roll tubes or boxes.)

Friday 26th June 2020
Thursday 25th June 2020
Wednesday 24th June 2020

Tuesday 23rd June 2020


Please find today's work attached below.


As Year 2 are learning about position and direction this week, I have set an additional activity on Purple Mash relating to this if you wish to have a go.


Year 1 are practicing place value to 100 this week. There is also an activity linking to this on Purple Mash where they must recognise missing numbers in a hundred square if they wish to complete this.


I have set these activities for both year groups but if you only wish to do your own that is fine. 

Monday 22nd June 2020


Good morning! :)


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. 


Friday 19th June 2020:


Good morning :)


Please find today's wokr attached below.


I have also set some games and quizzes on Purple Mash linking to the Year 2 maths work about shape this week if you wish to also complete this.


Have a lovely weekend!  



Thursday 18th June 2020
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Tuesday 16th June 2020

Monday 15th June 2020


Happy Birthday to Seth! We hope you a have a lovely day!

Friday 12th June 2020


Good morning! You have all worked so hard this week! Keep up the fantastic work and have a lovely weekend.

Happy Birthday to Seb! We hope you have a lovely day!

Thursday 11th June 2020:

Wednesday 9th June 2020
Tuesday 9th June 2020

Monday 8th June 2020


Good morning! I hope you all had a lovely weekend :)


Friday 5th June 2020


Year 2:

Yeah 1:

Thursday 3rd June 2020


Good morning :)


Please find below Thursday's work .

Year 2:
Year 1:

Wednesday 3rd June 2020


Good morning :)


Please find today's work attached below.

Year 1:

Tuesday 2nd June 2020



Year 2:
Year 1:

Monday 1st June 2020


Good morning! I hope you all had a wonderful half term and have been enjoying the sunshine.

Please open the word document below for today's work.

Friday 22nd May 2020


Good morning!  You have worked really hard this week, I am really proud of all of you so keep up the hard work! Next week is half term so I hope you have a lovely week off.  I look forward to seeing Year 1 on 1st June. Please see the information below to explain some of the new routines when we return to school.



Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's group:


Please click the link below and watch the phonics lesson titled: Friday 22nd May- lesson 20 - a - apron.




Today is the Friday maths challenge. Please complete challenges 1-3 below. 





Year 2- 

In this lesson, we will be writing a set of instructions for how to create a firework display. You will need your work from yesterday. I have added a template on Purple Mash if you wish to complete it on there, alternatively you will need a piece of paper and a pencil. If you are able, please me a copy of your work.


Year 1-

Today, we are finishing our writing of our disgusting sandwich recipe from yesterday. We are going to be writing the last 4 steps in our instructions before checking that we have used full stops and capital letters. You will need the work you started yesterday. I have added a template on Purple mash if you wish to type your work onto use this, alternatively continue hand writing your work and if you are able send me a photo of your instructions. 


Optional PE:

Optional Art: 


I have set some artwork based on your English lesson on Purple Mash if you wish to complete this. 

Firework Art:

Thursday 21st May 2020


Good morning!





Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's group:


Please click the link below and watch the lesson titled: Lesson 19- au - author. 



Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 5, Lesson 4 video Introduce weight and mass.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).

Year 2:


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 5, Lesson 4 video - The 5-times table.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).




Year 2-


In this lesson, we will be learning about adverbs of time and manner. You will find out when and how to use these and will be learning how to add them to the start of instructions. You will need a piece of paper, a pencil, and your work from yesterday.


Year 1: 


In this lesson, we will begin to write a set of instructions. We are going to write a list of the ingredients first and then write the first two instructions. You will need a piece of lined paper, a pencil and your map of the instructions.

Optional Geography: 


In this lesson we are going to be learning about the seven continents. We are going to learn what a Geographer is and how important they are. We will be looking at the seven continents, comparing their size and location on our planet. We will then be learning all about what the equator is. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for this lesson. Feel free to send me a copy of your work.  

Wednesday 20th May 2020


Good morning.


Apologies if you did not receive a reply to your email yesterday. Mrs Horton and I were in school preparing the classroom for those of you who are returning in June.


Please watch the video below to see what to expect if you are returning to school in June.

Back to school! We're looking forward to seeing you all.

Still image for this video




Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's group:


Please click the link below and watch the lesson titled - Lesson 18- wh - wheel.




Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 5, Lesson 3 video Measure Length (2).

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).

Year 2:


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 5, Lesson 3 video - The 2-times table.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).



Year 2- 


In this lesson, we will be identifying the key features of instructions. We will be learning what all sets of instructions need to include so that we are ready to write our own. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.

If you are able, please email with a copy of your work. 


Year 1 -


In this lesson, we will be learning about the conjunction 'and'. We will be learning how to use to it to join two simple sentences together. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil. If you are able, please email with a copy of your work. 


Optional History:


Year 2-


In this lesson we will be learning all about an ancient Chinese civilisation called the Shang Dynasty! We are going to find out how we know about the Shang, by looking at the ancient artefacts and writing archaeologists have found.


Year 1-


In this unit of work, we will be learning all about a variety of different explorers who made history. In this lesson, we will be learning about what an explorer is and focusing on the qualities and attributes that an explorer may have.

Tuesday 19th May 2020


Good morning everyone :) 


Thank you to those who sent me the work from yesterday's lessons. I love to see how you get on. 




Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's group:


Today's sound is 'ph' as in phone.


Please click on the link below watch the lesson titled - Tuesday 19th May - Lesson 17- ph - phone.


Additional ph activity:


Read the 'f, ff or ph phoneme spotter' bellow. Circle all of the words which contain a f, ff or ph sound and then sort the words into groups.


f    ff   ph




Mrs Horton's phonics group:


Please practice the high frequency word spellings at the beginning of the English video lesson. 




Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 5, Lesson 2 video Measure Length (1).

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).

Year 2:


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 5, Lesson 2 video - Use arrays.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).




Year 2:


In this lesson, we are going to be finding the meaning of key words in Chapter One of the Firework Maker’s Daughter. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.  


(Please feel free to send across a message or photo to let me know how you got on with your lesson)

Year 1:


In this lesson, you will be hearing a recipe to make a disgusting sandwich. We will then be drawing the different parts of these instructions, ready to write them later in the week. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.


(Please feel free to send across a message or photo to let me know how you got on with your lesson)

Year 2 Optional Science:


In this lesson we are going to learn about light and dark. We will learn where light comes from and how we can see it. We will also learn about what causes things to be dark. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.  

Year 1 Optional Science: 


In this lesson we are going to be learning about the four seasons and the weather. We are going to learn what a scientist is and how important they are. We are going to complete an observation of the weather outside of our windows and compare this to the four seasons. Lastly, we will be identifying the different weather in the four seasons. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for this lesson.

Monday 18th May 2020


Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend.




Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's group:


Today's sound is oy.


Please click the link below and find the lesson titled- 'Monday 18th May: Lesson 16 - oy - toy' 


Once you have watched the lesson, there is an optional oy and oi sheet attached below. 


Mrs Horton's phonics group:


Please carry out the spellings at the beginning of today's English video. 

New spellings will be covered in the English videos each week.



Year 1:


Year 1 have touched on height and length before. White Rose supports a mastery approach and are going over some areas again to ensure these key areas of learning are consolidated in this time away from school to ensure a smoother transition when they return. 




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 5, Lesson 1 video Compare length and height.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).

Year 2:


Year 2 have covered a multiplication unit at school. White Rose supports a mastery approach and are going over some areas again to ensure these key areas of learning are consolidated in this time away from school to ensure a smoother transition when they return. 


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 4, Lesson 4 video - Multiplication sentences using the x symbol.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).



This week in English, we will be using resources from The Oak Academy to assist us with our home learning. Many of you have mentioned that you have found having videos helpful and these online lessons contain videos which take you through your work step-by-step. 


General information about the structure of Oak academy English lessons:


  • Most lessons only require a pencil and something to write on.
  • Year one lessons start with a phonics warm-up. (Please watch this as well as the phonics provided above).
  • Year 2 lessons start with a spellings warm up. (This will be used as your phase 6 phonics practice- covering the reading and spelling of high frequency words).
  • The Year 2 weekly overview consists of two days of reading skills followed by three days focusing on a writing genre such as story writing, instruction writing etc.


Year 2 Lesson:


Today's lesson you will be reading pages 1-2 of the story 'The Firework maker's daughter' by Philip Pullman. You will be focusing on retrieval skills. Click the link below to start.

Year 1 lesson: 


In this lesson, we will be listening to the story of Sam's Sandwich before answering questions on it. You will need some paper and a pencil.


If possible, I would love to see a copy of the work completed in English this week to see how they get on and to provide some feedback. If you wish, drop me an email to say how they got on or alternatively a photograph of their work. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Optional Art:


In this lesson we are going to be creating a piece of work inspired by an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. We are going to be using items from nature, these can be from a local park or your garden. This lesson requires you to collect petals, leaves, sticks and other items to make a colourful picture.  Or you can get extra creative and use colourful items from your home, like toys, fruit or clothes.  Feel free to send me a photo of your creations!

Friday 15th May 2020




Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's Group:


Today's sound is ou as in cloud.


Watch the video lesson below:


Mrs Horton's phonics group:


This week you have been learning when to use apostrophes to show possession and contraction.


Today on Purple Mash, we're going to see how much you have learnt about different uses of apostrophes.

Drag the apostrophes to mark where letters are missing and to mark possession in nouns.




Today is the Friday maths challenge.


I'd recommend challenge 1 and 2 to be completed and have a go at challenge 3 if you would  like.


I have attached the challenges below.




You thought of some great rhyming words yesterday. These will really help you complete your poem today.


Please watch the video below to find out what I would like you to do today.

How to write a rhyming minibeast poem

Thursday 14th May 2020




Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's group:


Today's sound is 'ir'. Please watch the video lesson below and complete spelling sheet below.


Mrs Horton's phonics group:


Please continue to practice spelling contracted form words using apostrophes.


I have attached a quiz below if you need to refresh your memory. 


Please complete page 4 of the activity booklet titled Contraction Detective.

There is also an additional sheet below if you wish to do that.

These worksheets can be printed out or alternatively written up in your lined books. 



Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 4, Lesson 4 video - Compare number sentences.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).

Year 2:


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 4, Lesson 4 video - Bonds to 100.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).




You wrote fantastic cinquain poems yesterday, well done! 


For the rest of this week we will be looking at rhyming poems. 


Rhyming words are words that sound similar because they share the same or similar sounds.

For example, bright and light  are rhyming words as they share the same igh sound. 

Similarly, wood and could rhyme despite having different spellings because they still share a common sound.


Today on Purple Mash, look at the words on the activity and make a list of words that rhyme with them. This will help you write your rhyming poem tomorrow. 


If you need further help with rhyming words watch the video below. 

Rhyming Words

Additional Optional Rhyming Work:

Wednesday 13th May 2020


Father Paul invites you to watch his online mass this morning. Please follow the link below to watch.





Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's group:


Today's sound is aw as in claw.

Please watch the video lesson below.


Mrs Horton's Phonics Group:


Today we will be continuing to learn about using apostrophes for contractions.


Open the PowerPoint below and have a practice of some of the games and activities.


Then open the booklet below and complete page 3, titled Andrew Apostrophe.  (This can be done on the worksheet or written into your book.)




Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 4, Lesson 3 video - Add and subtract worded problems.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).


Year 2:


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 4, Lesson 3 video - Subtract 2-digit numbers.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).




This week we have been thinking about adjectives and verbs to describe what minibeasts look like and how they move. Today new will be using these words in our cinquain poem.


Please watch the video below to see how to write a cinquain poem.

Minibeast Cinquain Poem Instructions

Tuesday 12th May 2020




Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's group:


'e' can be pronounced as a short vowel sound such as in the word 'wet' or it can be pronounced as the long e sound such as 'we'. 


Please watch the lesson below which focuses on the long vowel sound-  e.

When learning that vowels can be short or long we often play a sorting game in phonics.

I have listed some words below which could be mixed up and sorted in long e and short e sounds. 


Long vowel sound e:






Short vowel sound e:






Mrs Horton's Phonics Group: 


Yesterday you looked at using apostrophes to show possession. 


Today we're going to look at when to use apostrophes to show a contracted form of two words. 


Please go through the PowerPoint below to learn about contractions.

Please complete the contracted form worksheet below. 

Once you've finished this please open the booklet attached and complete page 2 titled Apostrophe ants.

(We will be working our way through the rest of the booklet throughout the week.)




Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 4, Lesson 2 video - Subtract within 20.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).

Year 2:


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 4, Lesson 2 video - Add 2-digit numbers.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).




In the cinquain poem we will be writing tomorrow we will need to use lots of a adjectives and verbs.


You thought of some great adjectives for minibeasts yesterday.


Today on Purple Mash, I'd like for you to make a bank of verbs (doing words) to describe how different minibeasts move. We will use these words in our poem tomorrow.


Use the resources below if you need further help.

Additional optional work:


Recently we have been looking at different types of words including adjectives and verbs. Below I have attached a minibeast colouring sheet where you have to use certain colours for different words classes -for example if you see a verb you colour it in yellow.

Monday 11th May 2020


Good morning :)


I hope you had a lovely weekend.





Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's group:


On Thursday you watched the lesson about the ue sound. 

Today please watch Friday's lesson about the ew sound and today's lesson about the split u-e sound.


Once you finished catching up on these lessons you will be familiar with different ways we can spell ue and which of these sounds to use in different words. 


Have a go at the alternative spelling for oo sheet below.


Mrs Horton's Phonics Group:


This week Mrs Horton's group will be looking at how and when to use apostrophes.


Please go through the PowerPoint below to learn about apostrophes for possession.


I have also attached some follow up work below. If you do not have a printer, the answers can be written up in your lined books.




As of this week White Rose Maths will only be providing worksheets to schools who have bought a subscription. Please continue to watch the video lessons daily by following the link below and then find the accompanying worksheet attached to this class page instead of finding it on the White Rose Maths website. 


Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 4, Lesson 1 video - Add by making 10.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).

Year 2:


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 4, Lesson 1 video - Adding and subtracting tens.

2. Click on the attachment below.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).




This week we will be learning how to write a cinquain poem.


This type of poem requires the use of adjectives and verbs so we're going to spend a few days collecting ideas to use in our poem later in the week.


Today on Purple Mash, I'd like for you to choose nine minibeast pictures and think of three adjectives to describe each one.


I have attached some resources below if you need some ideas. 

Thursday 7th May 2020


Good morning! :) 


Just a note to say Mrs Horton and I were helping at the hub school yesterday so apologies if your work wasn't marked. We'll be working hard today to catch up. 




Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's group:


Please follow the link below and watch the video titled: Lesson 9 - ue

Additional ue resources:

Mrs Horton's Phonics group:


Please find on Purple Mash another past, present or future tense quiz. 



Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 3, Lesson 4 video - Add more and count on within 20.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


Year 2:


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 3, Lesson 4 video - Add and subtract ones.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).

Please find the gardener template in your 2Dos on Purple Mash.

Wednesday 6th May 2020


Good morning :)





Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walkers Group: 


Please practice your phase 5 sounds below:

 Please watch the phonics lesson below titled:      Lesson 8-    split digraph o-e 


Mrs Horton's Phonics Group: 


Today we will be looking at past, present and future tense.


There are different ways to tell the tense of text. 


Some words add the the suffix 'ed' to verbs to change the word to past tense.

For example, walk becomes walked.

Adding 'ed' doesn't change all words to past tense. For example we can't add 'ed' to run because runned isn't grammatically correct. The whole word changes and becomes ran.


Other words are less obvious but can give us a clue about what tense it is written in such as:


  • did
  • haven't
  • had
  • hadn't 
  • went
  • going
  • walking
  • eating
  • will
Today's activity on Purple Mash will ask you which tense the sentence is in. It will then ask you to work out how to change the sentence into a different tense by replacing words with others. 




Maths Starter- This morning's warm-up on Purple Mash is a comparing numbers game.


Top tip:

  • Compare numbers using your place value knowledge- use tens and ones to help you.
  •  The more than and less than signs are like greedy crocodiles and always face the greater number.


Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 3, Lesson 3 video -  Add together and find a part. 


2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


Year 2:


I would recommend building a resource to represent tens and ones for this activity. Lego is suitable for this. Build several towers of ten and have some singualr peices for ones.

The children have base 10 equipment at school to help with their maths work so having a these available would be a familiar resource. 


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 3, Lesson 3 video - Related Facts.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).



Today we are going to look at another way of presenting non-fiction text.


We are going to be writing an information leaflet about the life cycle of a butterfly.


Watch the video below to find out more.

I have also included some butterfly resources and information below. 

Information leaflet

Optional Art Lesson - Drawing Beetles

Tuesday 5th May 2020


Good morning!    :) 





Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's group:


Practice your phase 5 sounds below:

Today's sound is o. 


o can be pronounced as a short sound such as p-o-t. Or it be pronounced as a long sound such as p-o-s-t. 


It is important that we know both pronounciations so when we come across a word containing this sound we can try both options to see which one 'sounds right'.

This also helps us with our spelling because long o sounds can be confused with the sound ow or the word oh. For example p-ow-s-t  and p-oh-s-t are phonetic but not spelt correctly. 


At school we often play a sorting game by sorting long and short vowel sounds.  


I have listed some below if you would like to sort them into short o and long o:


  • pot
  • post
  • most
  • frog
  • moment
  • protect
  • lots
I have included an activity on Purple Mash for you to practice long and short vowel sounds if you wish to do this after watching your lesson. 


Mrs Horton's Phonics group: 




Some root words can have several suffixes added on to them.


For example: happy can be changed to happily, happier and happiest.


Even though these are all real words with suffixes  they wouldn't all make sense in the same sentence.


The girl walked ___________ down the lane. 


Would all of these suffix words make sense in this sentence? Which one fits best? Why?


On today's Purple Mash, read through the sentences and choose which word's suffix ending is grammatically correct.



Maths Starter- This morning's warm-up on Purple Mash is addition with numbers up to 20.


Top Tips: 


  • Start counting on from the largest number. 
  • Use objects to help you practically count.
  • Use your number bond knowledge.


Year 1:


I would recommend using a resource to help with adding such as counters, pebbles, lego bricks etc. I have also attached a part-whole model template below that the children may find useful.




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 3, Lesson 2 video - Fact families- linking addition and subtraction. 


2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


Year 2:


I would recommend using resources to help with adding and subtracting such as counters, pebbles, lego bricks etc. 


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 3, Lesson 2 video - Compare Number Sentences.


2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).

Part-whole model resource- year 1 maths




I was very impressed with your non-chronological reports you completed yesterday. You found some great facts about bees and wrote about them really clearly.   :)


Yesterday, we looked at features on non-chronological reports including headings, sub-headings, blocks of text and pictures. 


Can you see any examples of these features below?

Non-chronological report example:

Today on Purple Mash, I would like you to write another non-chronological report about a minibeast of your choice. 


I have not included any sub-headings today so have a think of what types of things people may want to find about your minibeast. 

This can be as simple as one word such as 'Habitat' or you can make your sub-heading a question sentence such as 'What do bees eat?'.

Sub-headings are often bolder and larger than the rest of the text, this allows people to find the bit of information they are looking for in the larger text easily. Have a go at editing your writing by making it bigger and bolder.


I have included some information about minibeasts below. 

Optional DT and Science:


If you looked at the PowerPoint above you will have learnt about the different habitats that minibeasts live in.


I thought it would be fun to apply our knowledge of microhabitats and make a bug hotel.


Watch the video below to have a go at home.


You will need:

  •  A milk or juice carton
  • Scissors
  •  Kitchen/toilet roll tubes
  • Sticks
  • Leaves
  • Moss
  • Pinecones

St Mary's Class 2- How to make a bug hotel

Placing your bug hotel:

Still image for this video

Monday 4th May 2020


Good morning! :) 


I hope you all had a lovely weekend. 



Miss Deakin-Mundy's group and Mrs Walker's Group: 


Please practice your Phase 5 sounds below:

Follow the link below to watch today's phonics lesson focusing on the split digraph i-e. 
If you would like additional resources about this sound, I have attached some documents below.


Mrs Horton's Phonics Group: 

Today Mrs Horton's group will be looking again at suffixes.


Suffixes can be added at the end of words to change the meaning or tense. 


Common suffixes we add onto the end of words:


  • ed
  • s
  • es
  • ful
  • ment
  • ly


Can you think of any words that end in these suffixes?

Today's suffix activity is on Purple Mash.


You will see a root word which is missing a suffix. Choose which suffix would complete the word correctly.


Use clues in the sentence to help you choose the correct suffix.

For example:

  • What tense is the sentence written in?
  • What type of the word is the root word? Adjectives, nouns and verbs often use different suffixes. 
  • Read the word and try each each suffix. Which one sounds correct? 



Maths Starter- This morning's warm-up on Purple Mash is addition with numbers up to 20.


Top Tips: 


  • Start counting on from the largest number. 
  • Use objects to help you practically count.
  • Use your number bond knowledge.


Year 1:


I would recommend using a resource to help with adding such as counters, pebbles, lego bricks etc. I have also attached a tens frame template below that the children may find useful.




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 3, Lesson 1 video - Part-whole relationships number bonds.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


Year 2:


Today's activity will be looking at the relationships between numbers and how knowing one number fact can help us answer other questions with those numbers.

I would recommend using a resource to help with adding and subtracting such as counters, pebbles, lego bricks etc. I have also attached a tens frame template below that the children may find useful.


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 3, Lesson 1 video - Fact families addition and subtraction bonds to 20.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).

Blank ten frame resource:



Today we will be looking at a type of information text called non-chronological reports. 


A non-chronological report is a non-fiction report which can be read in any order. 


The information is often displayed in a combination of random boxes, shapes and paragraphs. 


Look at the example below:

Non-chronological report example:

Features of a non-chronological reports: 


  • Heading- a heading is the main title to explain wha the text will be about. In the example the heading was 'Minibeasts'. Headings usually go at the top but can be found elsewhere. The heading is usually the largest piece of writing.


  • Sub-Headings- a sub-heading is like a mini title. us information about what is going to be in the paragraph of text. An example of a sub-heading in the text would be" 'In the Garden'. Can you see how this text is bold compared to the writing beneath? 


  • Pictures, photographs and diagrams- These give the reader visual information and link to the text.



Can you find examples of these features in the example?



Today on Purple Mash  I would like you to write a non-chronological report about bees.


I have included three subheadings asking about their appearance, habitat and importance. 


You may to do some research about this minibeasts before you start writing. I have included some useful links below. 

Additional optional resources linking to minibeasts:
As you may have seen on the school letter, Mrs Corbett would love for you to paint some stones to bring in for when we return to school. These will be placed at the school entrance. It can can be any shape, colour or design you wish. Have fun! 

Friday 1st May 2020


Good Morning! :)




Miss Deakin-Mundy's and Mrs Walker's Phonics group:


Practice speed reading your phase 5 sounds below:

Follow the link below to watch today's lesson focusing on the 'ie' sound.


When you've finished the lesson try to write your own ie words and add sound buttons. 

If you would like additional resources about this sound, I have attached some documents below. 

Mrs Horton's Phonics Group: 


Today Mrs Horton's group will be looking at compound words. 


Compound words are two individual words put together to make a new word with a new meaning.

For example: sun + flower = sunflower.


Please go through the PowerPoint below to find out more.

Compound Word PowerPoint

I have set an activity on Purple Mash for you to complete to help you recognise compound words. 


If you would like resources about this I have attached some below. 



Today White Rose Maths Hub have organised a Friday maths challenge for all year groups. 


The most suitable questions for years 1 and 2 are Challenge 1 and 2.

For those who would like to challenge themselves further have a go at Challenge 3.


All questions are problem solving based activities. 


I’d recommend collecting some resources such as pebbles, toy cars, Lego etc to help you find the answer to questions practically. 



Year 1 Friday Maths challenge: 


Year 2 Friday Maths Challenge:


Read the page below and infer what the ringmaster might be thinking and feeling.

When writing your thought bubble on Purple Mash, remember to write in first person as if you are the ringmaster- using words such as I.


Additionally, make sure you include how the ringmaster is feeling. Use the clues from the text and illustrations to help you infer this. 


I have put a WAGOLL below to give you some ideas. 


Can you spot the thoughts and emotions I imagined the ringmaster had whilst Paddington was swinging on the trapeze?


Thursday 30th April 2020


Good morning! :)


It was lovely speaking to you all yesterday and hearing your voices. It was wonderful to hear that you are all well and finding out what you have been up to.


For those I have not been able to contact, please be aware that the number will come up as withheld.



Miss Deakin-Mundy's and Mrs Walker's Phonics Group: 


Speed read your Phase 5 sounds below. 

Please watch the Phonics lesson by following the link below and watching the video titled Lesson 4- Year 1.

Once you've watched today's video, have a go at writing some words containing the split e-e digraph. 



Mrs Horton's Phonics Group:


Today's work will be focusing on singular and plural nouns.


The PowerPoint below outlines rules for when to add s, es and ies to words.

Today on Purple Mash sort the words into singular and plural words.


You may also want to test yourself by writing down singular nouns such table, fox, baby house, book, box etc and deciding how to make them plural. 





Maths Starter- This morning's warm-up is another times table challenge on Purple Mash. Answer the questions quickly and accurately to win the race. Good luck!


Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 2, Lesson 4 video - Problem Solving.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


Year 2:


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 2, Lesson 4 video - Problem Solving.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record your answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet. If you would also like to share the work completed at home, please feel free to email me a photograph).



Today we will be writing a diary entry pretending we're Paddington Bear recounting his day at the circus.


You may find it helpful to listen to the story again to refresh your memory. I have attached the story below. 

Paddington at the Circus

Go through the PowerPoint below to find out more about how to write a great diary. 

Writing a Diary

Remember in this diary you are Paddington. It is important when you are writing that you write in the first person, using personal pronouns such as: I, we, my, and me. 


To convince me that it is Paddington's diary include lots of detail about what he saw, smelt, heard, thought and felt. You could steal some ideas from the work you did yesterday to help you. 


Try to recount his experiences in the correct order. For example, don't start with the ice cream falling on the man's head. 


I have included a diary checklist below. Try to include all of these things in your diary. 



Sentence Starter Examples: 


Dear Diary,


I've had such an exciting day! 


The Brown family and I visited a circus tonight. 


I saw...


I thought...


When we first went in...


I felt...


After that,




From Paddington


Wednesday 29th April 2020


Good morning!


It was so lovely speaking to some of you yesterday. I am glad you are all well and are enjoying your work.

If you have not received a phone call yet, I am working my way through the register and will try and ring later today.


I would also like to mention the wonderful circus posters you did yesterday. I've been sent some super photos from those who chose to create them by hand, as well as some brilliant Purple mash posters. You all used pictures, bright colours and exciting vocabulary, well done! :) 



Miss Deakin-Mundy's Phonics group:


Practice speed reading your Phase 5 sounds below. 

Please watch the Phonics lesson by following the link below and watching the video titled Lesson 3- Year 1.


If you missed yesterday's phonics lesson, I have added the video under yesterday's 'Phonics' sub-title  further down this page.

Mrs Horton's Phonics Group:


Adding something at the end of a word is called a suffix.


You had a practice with this yesterday. Common suffixes we use include: 

  • ed
  • ness
  • ful
  • ly


Can you think of any words which you can add these suffixes onto? 

Make a list.


Today we will be practicing prefixes. 


As you may remember from prior learning, prefixes are added to the beginning of a word.


Common prefixes:

  • un
  • dis


By adding a prefix to a verb (a doing word) or an adjective (a describing word) it changes the meaning. 


For example: happy can be changed to unhappy. The word happy now has a different meaning. 


Work through the Purple Mash game and read the sentences with missing words. Which prefix is correct? 


When you're done you could challenge yourself to think of root words that you can add a prefix to and see if you can spell them correctly. 



Maths Starter- Some of you mentioned yesterday that you think you need a bit more practice with quickly answering multiplication questions. So this morning's warm-up is another times table challenge on Purple Mash. Answer the questions quickly and accurately to win the race. Good luck!


Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 2, Lesson 3 video - Finding a quarter (Part 2).

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet).



Year 2:


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 2, Lesson 3 video - Four Operation with Length.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet).


Today we are going to be using adjectives on Purple Mash to describe the weird and wonderful things that Paddington saw at the circus. 


Before we start, click on the link below and watch the video about adjectives. There is also a quiz at the end. 

Use these pictures to help you write descriptive sentences about Paddington's experience at the circus. 


What did he see?

What did he hear? 

What did he smell?


Have a look at the illustrations below. Note down some ideas or tell someone in your house. 

Paddington at the Circus

Log in to Purple Mash and draw a picture of the sights Paddington saw at the circus.


Underneath write some exciting, descriptive adjective sentences explaining what Paddington saw, heard and smelt. You may have to use your imagination for some of it. 


Scroll down this page to find examples of today's work and word mats with useful spellings and describing words on. 

Example including sentence stems:

Completed Example. Can you spot the adjectives I have used?

Circus and adjectives word mats:

Try and be adventurous with your choice of adjectives.


Instead of using 'big' you could use a more exciting word like colossal, gigantic or enormous. 


You might want to use commas in a list of adjectives.


For example: 


The clown's nose was read.


The clown's red, shiny nose perched on his colourfully painted face. 





Tuesday 28th April 2020


Good morning :)


Miss Deakin-Mundy's Phonics group:


Please watch the Phonics lesson video attached below titled Lesson 2- Year 1


If you missed yesterday's phonics lesson, I have added the video under yesterday's 'Phonics' sub-title  further down this page.

Lesson 2 - Year 1

Watch Year 1 Lesson 2. First released Tuesday 28th April. A new Year 1 lesson is uploaded every week day at 10:30am and is suitable for children who can conf...

Mrs Horton's Phonics Group: 


Please find on Purple Mash your work for this morning. 


We have practiced suffixes a lot, so you should be experts at this task. 


You will see a root word ending in different suffixes. For example: carry, carried, carrying. 


Read the sentences with the missing words and decide which one would make the sentence correct. 




Maths Starter- This morning's warm-up is a times table challenge on Purple Mash. Let's see who has been practicing their 2, 5 and 10 times tables at home. Answer the questions quickly and accurately to win the race. Good luck!



Year 1:




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 2, Lesson 2 video - Finding a quarter.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet).



Year 2:


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 2, Lesson 2 video - Order Lengths.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet.) 




You wrote some wonderful book reviews yesterday, well done! :) 


Now that you're familiar with the story and what acts you might see at a circus I’d like you to make a poster to advertise the circus coming to Paddington's town. 


Posters are bright, colourful pieces of paper advertising a product or event. They contain information and try to convince people to buy things or attend events. 


Do you remember when Paddington saw the poster in the story?


What did it say?

In your poster consider:


What acts will perform at the circus? 

What dates are they in town for?

What did the poster in the story say? 


I have included a circus poster template on Purple Mash but if you'd prefer to create it by hand that's fine. I just ask that a copy is emailed to me as I love to see your work. 


For more information about what to include in a poster click on the PowerPoint link below. 

How to make a poster PowerPoint

Poster Checklist:

Monday 27th April 2020


Good morning! :) I hope you all had a lovely weekend.


I have attached a letter below from the Department for Education detailing their new daily phonics lessons.


The online lessons are designed to follow the phonics programme your child has been learning at school following the Letters and Sounds scheme. 


The children in Miss Deakin-Mundy's and Mrs Walker's phonics group, please watch the daily Year 1 phonics lesson which will be uploaded each weekday at 10:30 am and will be available to watch throughout the day.

Lesson 1- Year 1

Watch Year 1 Lesson 1.




Year 1


Today we are continuing finding half. When finding half of an amount, we split the quantity into two equal groups. You may find it useful to collect some small items such as pebbles to practically help you find half of an amount and find two containers to share objects into. Alternatively, draw two circles on a piece of paper to share objects into. 




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 2, Lesson 1 video - Finding half (2)

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet).



Year 2


Today year 2 will be comparing measurements. 


We compare amounts using this vocabulary:

more than

less than

equal to 


We can also show this as these symbols: symbols:    <         >         =


We have had lots of practice with comparing amounts and often drawn the symbols as crocodiles to remind ourself that the greedy crocodile always opens his mouth to face the greatest amount. 


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 2, Lesson 1 video - Compare Length.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet.) 



This week we will be completing work based on Michael Bond's books about Paddington bear.


Today we will be listening to to the book 'Paddington at the Circus' and writing a book review.


Book reviews help us to reflect on what we have read and offer opinions about it. They help us develop key skills such as summarising a text, comparing it to other things we have read and coming to a conclusion as to whether we enjoyed it. Book reviews can also help others choose if they would like to read this book. 


Listen to the story below and then share your thoughts and feelings about this book on the book review template.


In your book review consider the following: 

  • What is this book about?
  • What are the main events in the story?
  • Who is the main character?
  • Who is your favourite character and why?
  • Did you like this book?
  • Would you recommend this book to others? Why?
  • What did you think about the illustrations?
  • Who wrote this book? Do you know of any other books they have written? 



Paddington at the Circus

Paddington at the Circus By Micheal Bond Illustrated By R. W. Alley
The Circus has come to town and Paddington and the Browns have front row seats!

Art Competition:


Some of you have sent me some incredible photographs of the artwork you are creating at home.

It is lovely to see so many budding artists!


For a bit of fun, the teachers have attached a link to the RSPB art competition on each home learning page.


If you wish to join in this competition and stand a chance at winning some exciting prizes then send a picture of a piece of artwork inspired by nature to the link below. (I'd also love to see any masterpieces you create if you'd also like to send me a photograph!) 


Good luck!

Good morning :)




Miss Deakin-Mundy's phonics group- The sounds you’ll be sounding out today are ir and ue. You will see on your Purple Mash 2Dos some phase 5 phonics. Complete the word with the correct sound. Sound out all options to find which one works. When you’ve finished this activity, practice sounding out and writing ir and ue words. Use your lined English book to write the words down and add sound buttons. Make sure you use ascenders and descenders. You could challenge yourself to write a sentence containing words with these sounds in.





Today White Rose Maths Hub have organised a Friday maths challenge for all year groups. 


The most suitable questions for years 1 and 2 are Challenge 1 and 2. 


Both questions are problem solving based activities. 


I’d recommend collecting some resources such as pebbles, toy cars, Lego etc to help you find the answer to questions practically. 



Try and give these challenges a go but if you get stuck I have put some help below. 





Step-by-step support for Challenge 1:


1. star + star = 20


  • The first question shows two stars.
  • These stars represent a number.
  • I know the numbers must be the same as each other as the shape is also the same.
  • These two stars/numbers add together to make 20.  
  • What number goes into 20 twice?
  • Use number bond or multiplication knowledge to support you.


2. heart - star = 7


  • You should now know what the star is worth. 
  • So 'something' take away ten is seven.   _____ - 10 = 7
  • Work backwards using inverse (7+10= )


3. heart - heart = triangle


  • You should now know what the heart is worth.
  • What happens when you take away a number with the same number? 
  • 17- 17= ?


Step-by-step support for Challenge 2:


  • Start by adding up Tom's Money.
  • He has six 10p coins.                     Choose a method 6x10=    or    10+10+10+10+10+10= 
  • Next, add Tom's three 5p coins.     Choose a method: 3x5=     or         5+5+5=
  • Add the total of Tom's 10ps and 5ps together.
  • He uses this money to buy an apple for 59p. 
  • Tom had 75p he spent 59p on the apple.    75-59 = ?
  • How much money is left over? He spends the rest of this money on two pencils.  (16p)
  • How much money would each pencil cost? (Half of 16)




The stories you wrote yesterday were fantastic! We loved reading them, well done. 


Today, we will be pretending to be Little Red Riding Hood. We will be writing a letter to the wood cutter to say thank you for helping us. 


As we will be pretending that we’re someone else we will need to use our imagination. Read the story of Little Red Riding Hood or watch the video further down this page.


How do you think Little Red Riding Hood felt throughout the story? 


The author may not have explained the characters feelings but it’s up to you as the reader to use clues from what’s happened so far to interpret how that character felt and why. 


This is called inference and is one of our reading skills. 

I have included a video below which explains inference further.

Introduction to Reading Skills: Making Inferences


I have included on this Purple Mash task a  ‘Think About’ box to be used as a writing checklist. 

There are lots of ideas of what to include in your letter and help on how to structure your writing. 


Don’t forget to start your letter with Dear or To and finish with From or Yours sincerely.


For more help regarding letter writing I have included a PowerPoint below. 

Writing a formal thank you letter PowerPoint

Thursday 23rd April 2020


Good Morning :)





Miss Deakin-Mundy's phonics group- You will see on your Purple Mash 2Dos some phase 5 phonics. Complete the word with the correct sound. Sound out all options to find which one works. When you’ve finished this activity, practice sounding out and writing ie, ea, and oy words. Use your lined English book to write the words down and add sound buttons. Make sure you use ascenders and descenders. You could challenge yourself to write a sentence containing words with these sounds in.


Maths starter- 


I have put you maths warm up on Purple Mash. Today you will be answering questions to find one more and one less than a number up to 101. To win against the other players you must answer the addition and subtraction questions accurately and quickly. You do not need to click hand in but I will be able to see how you get on. Use your knowledge of place value to support you answering these questions. 



Year 1 Maths


Year Ones you should be experts at today's activity as we have practiced finding half in lessons last term.

If you struggle to find half of a shape, cut the shape out in paper and fold equally so you have 2 equal halves. 




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 1, Lesson 1 video - Finding half

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet) 


Year 2 Maths


Unfortunately White Rose maths hub have not adapted today's work to suit home learning. 


This activity requires meter sticks. I appreciate that these are a classroom resource. In light of this, may I suggest, for those who own one, a tape measure locked at 1 meter.

If you cannot complete the measuring activities (questions 1c, 1d and 4) then please leave them out. 


Another home alternative which could produce some fun investigation would be cutting a length of string to roughly 1 meter to investigate which objects in your home are smaller or bigger than a meter. 


I apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your on-going support at home. :) 


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 1, Lesson 1 video - Measure length in meters.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet) 



Today we will be writing the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood.


When you go to this activity on Purple Mash, a video of Little Red Riding Hood will play when you start this activity to refresh your memory of the key events and order.


This week you have described the characters from this story, practiced writing speech between characters and learnt about different sentence types. Use this to help you retell the traditional story of Red Riding Hood. Remember when writing “What big ___ you have!’ You must use exclamation marks.


I have also included on Purple mash a checklist, just hover over the words in the ‘Think About’ box and it will give you ideas and help you structure your story.


Bad Example:


Read through this and see if you can spot the mistakes. 


Little red riding hood went to her grandmas then there was a wolf then he sed where are you going then little red riding hood got to grandmas and said what big eyes you have?


Did you spot the mistakes? Was this a good story?



  • No capital letters for names.
  • No apostrophe in 'Grandma's house'. -(The apostrophe shows possession)
  • Said is spelt incorrectly.
  • No question mark after 'where are you going'
  • No exclamation mark after 'what big eyes you have' - (It starts with what but is expressing surprise so must be an exclamation not a question)
  • I used 'then' too many time. I could have used other time conjunctions such as next or after that. 
  • Not enough punctuation such as full stops. 
  • Too short and not enough detail. 


Good Example: 


Read this example and discuss why this is better. 


Once upon a time, there lived a young girl called Little Red riding Hood. She lived with her mother in a beautiful cottage in the woods. One sunny day, her mother asked her to go and visit her Grandma with a basket of food. Little Red put on her rosy red cloak and set off down the winding path. As she walked along she noticed some lovely, colourful flowers and though how nice it would be to pick some for her Grandma. She stopped to pick them and as she bent down a towering shadow appeared next to her. She looked up and saw a snarling wolf. "Where are you going?" asked the wolf? "I'm going to visit my Grandmother in her cottage" replied Little Red. She carried on picking flowers. The wolf smiled menacingly and ran quickly  down the path towards Grandma's house... Little Red Riding Hood arrived at the cottage and knocked the door. "Come in" a husky voice muttered. Little Red Riding Hood entered and approached the bed. 

"Oh Grandma, what big eyes you have!". "All the better to see you with"    .........




Why was this better?


Use this example to help you write your story.  I have also put some useful word mats below. 

Useful word Mat

Wednesday 22nd April 2020


Good Morning :) 


Father Paul invites you to join in with the live streaming of Mass this morning at 9am.

Visit Fr Paul's Youtube Channel to join in: 





Miss Deakin-Mundy's phonics group- You will see on your Purple Mash 2Dos some phase 5 phonics. Practice using your phonics to complete the missing letters in the word. Today you will be focusing on the sounds ay and ou.


Maths starter- 


I have put you maths warm up on Purple Mash. Today you will be answering questions to find one more and one less than a number up to 21. To win against the other players you must answer the addition and subtraction questions accurately and quickly. You do not need to click hand in but I will be able to see how you get on.



Year 1


Today you may find it useful to have some resources ready such as pebbles, Lego bricks, toy cars etc. to help you share objects using the sharing approach (one for me, one for you method). 




1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 1, Lesson 1 video - Making equal groups (sharing).

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet) 


Year 2


Today White Rose Maths hub are introducing a new unit of measurement. Some of these activities do require a ruler. If you do not have a ruler I have included several links to online to-scale ruler resources at the bottom of this section as well as an interactive ruler game.


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 1, Lesson 1 video - Measure length in cm.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet) 



Tomorrow we will be writing the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood.


In this you will use a range of sentence types including statements, commands, questions and exclamations so we're going to have practice today. Different types of sentences require different types of punctuation. You had a practice of exclamation sentences starting with the word 'what' yesterday. (What big eyes you have!)


I have included some useful resources and videos below to explain about sentence types. 


Today's activity on Purple Mash is a grammar game. This game will ask you to add capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences correctly.


Decide what type of sentence it is to help you choose which punctuation to use. 


Once you've finished you could use your lined English book to write a command, statement, exclamation and question that you might see in the story Little Red Riding Hood.

Sentence Types

What are sentences? | Oxford Owl

Learn how and when to use different sentence types, including statements, questions and commands. Perfect to help with grammar homework and to prepare for th...

Tuesday 21st April 2020




Starter-I have put you maths warm up on Purple Mash. As you did so well with your number bonds to 10 yesterday, today I have set it to go up to number bonds to 20. To win against the other players you must answer the number bond questions accurately and quickly. You do not need to click hand in but I will be able to see how you get on.


Year 1 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 1, Lesson 1 video - Making equal groups (grouping).

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet) 


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 1, Lesson 1 video - Count in Fractions.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet) 




Tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood to someone in your house to refresh your memory of this traditional tale.


Today we will be looking at speech between characters. This is often called dialogue. 


Can you remember what Little Red Riding Hood said to the wolf in Grandma's house?


Sentences can bstatementscommandsquestions or exclamations.

Little Red Riding Hood uses a lot of exclamation sentences when talking to Grandma. 

An exclamation is forceful statement which expresses high levels of emotion or excitement.


For example, Little Red Riding Hood might speak in exclamations like these:


Today on Purple Mash, I'd like you to use the speech bubbles to write what the characters are saying to each other in Grandma’s house.


Remember exclamation sentences begin with what or how. So if your sentences start with these words use an exclamation mark at the end.


As we are using speech bubble you do not need to include 'said'. 


If you would like to challenge yourself you could try to use inverted commas to show that your sentence is speech. Inverted commas- previously known as speech marks- show when someone is talking.  For example -"Hello". 

The Exclamation sentences Song! (What an amazing song this is!)

Little Red Riding Hood - Traditional Tale


Monday 20th April 2020


Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter.




To get our brains warmed up after our Easter break, I have included a maths warm up game on Purple Mash this morning. It is a number bond racing game. To win against the other players you must answer the number bond questions accurately and quickly. You do not need to click hand in but I will be able to see how your child got on. 


Year 1 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 1, Lesson 1 video - Making doubles.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet) 


Year 2 link:


1. Open the above link and watch The Summer term, Week 1, Lesson 1 video - Find Three Quarters.

2. Click on the ‘Get this activity’ link.

3. Work through the questions.


(Feel free to record you answers in your home Maths book or if you’d prefer print the sheet) 





This week we will be continuing to learn about traditional tales.


Start by refreshing your memory of the different features you may see in this genre by watching the video below.

An introduction to Traditional Tales. There is also an interactive game the children can play.

We will be carrying out work based on the traditional tale Little Red Riding Hood.


When you start your work today on Purple Mash a video will appear telling you the story of Little Red Riding Hood. You can watch this, or alternatively if you have a copy of this book at home, feel free to use this resource instead. 


See if you can spot any traditional tale features as you read/listen to the story. 
Once the video has finished and you are familiar with the story, you will see a page asking you to to describe one of the characters from the tale. Insert a picture of your chosen character from the picture box and then underneath describe their appearance and personality. Be adventurous with you vocabulary. For example, instead of saying "The scary wolf is tall" you could write : "The terrifying wolf towers above his victims, his shiny teeth twinkle as he gives passers by a menacing grin."

Expanded Noun Phrases

Children in Year 2 will be taught to use expanded noun phrases in their writing. A noun, generally, is the name of a person, place or thing. For example 'wolf' is a noun. If I wanted to expand that noun I would add an adjective before the noun. For example; 'The giant, grey wolf walked down the dusty path.' Below I have attached a video explaining this further and how to use them to improve writing. In today's Purple Mash activity, the children will be required to describe a character from the story Little Red Riding Hood. Using expanded noun phrases are great for descriptive writing.

Thursday 2nd April 2020


Good morning!  As tomorrow is an inset day, i'd like to wish you all a safe and happy Easter. There will be no work set but feel free to continue to use the links on the home learning page to have fun and learn. 




Year 1:

Year 1 link:


  1. Watch Week 2 Lesson 2 - Step 1 - Count in 10s
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.


(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)


Year 2:

Year 2 link:


  1. Watch Week 2 Lesson 2 - Step 7 - Find a third
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.


(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)




Today we will be writing an apology letter to the three bears from Goldilocks.

As we will be writing from the perspective of Goldilocks you will need to imagine her experience in the three bear’s house and how she felt throughout the day.



Three Bear's Cottage

The Woods

ST19 4SP


Thursday 2nd April 2020


 Dear Three Bears,


I am writing to say how sorry I am for my actions.

Last week as I was walking through the woods I stumbled across your lovely cottage. I was so tired and hungry that I thought I could sneak in for a quick rest and bite to eat. I went inside and noticed that no one was home, so I ate your porridge, sat in your chairs and slept in your beds. I know now that this was wrong. You should never break into someone’s home. I feel incredibly embarrassed by my behaviour. I am so sorry; it will never happen again.

I hope you will accept my apology and we can be friends.


Yours Sincerely,




Goldilocks Letter Checklist

  1. Include a date and an address
  2. Start with Dear
  3. Begin your first sentence with ‘I am writing to say…’
  4. Explain what you did and how you feel.
  5. End with Yours Sincerely or From.

Wednesday 1st April 2020


Good morning!  




Year 1:

Year 1 link:


  1. Watch Week 2 Lesson 1 - Step 6 - 'Compare capacity'
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.


(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)


Year 2:

Year 2 link:


  1. Watch Week 2 Lesson 1 - Step 6 - Recognise a third
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.


(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)




Today in English we will continue learning about the Goldilocks and the three bears. We will be filling in speech bubbles of what the characters might say to each other. In the first speech bubble imagine you are the Bears. What would you say to Goldilocks after coming home to find that she’s been in your house? Try to infer the bear’s emotions in your writing. In the second speech bubble, imagine you are Goldilocks. What would you say back to the bears? How does she feel? Tomorrow you will be writing a letter from the perspective of Goldilocks. This activity will help you imagine what the characters are thinking and feeling in preparation for tomorrow’s activity. Don't forget to drag the correct picture form the image box and place it under the correct speech bubble! The Think About box contains useful tips and reminders for each activity on Purple Mash. Use this to support you.

Tuesday 31st March 2020


Good morning!  




Year 1:

Year 1 link:


  1. Watch Week 1 Lesson 5 video- ‘Measure Capacity’.
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.


(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)


Year 2:

Year 2 link:


  1. Watch Week 1 Lesson 5 video- ‘Find a quarter’.
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.


(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)




Recap features of a Traditional Tale:  


Recap what happens in Goldilocks and the Three bears by watching the video link or telling someone in your house the main points of the story.

You can listen to the story on this link:


Today on Purple Mash we will be creating a wanted poster for Goldilocks.

A wanted poster usually starts with the word wanted in capital letters. It is then followed by a description of the person’s crime and appearance. Today in your wanted poster write a brief summary of what Goldilocks did in the three bears house. Then describe what she looks like so people can find her. Feel free to draw a picture of Goldilocks by double clicking the picture box or dragging a a pre-made picture into the space. 





A young girl named Goldilocks was spotted earlier this week breaking into the three bear’s cottage. This intruder not only broke into their home but ate their porridge, sat in their chairs and even slept in their beds! Police are trying to find this girl. She has long, blonde hair and blue eyes. She was last seen wearing a red dress skipping through the woods.


Monday 30th March 2020


Good morning!  I hope you had a lovely weekend.




Year 1:

Year 1 link:


  1. Watch Week 1 Lesson 4 video- ‘Introduce Capacity and Volume’.
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.

(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)


Year 2:

Year 2 link:


  1. Watch Week 1 Lesson 4 video- ‘Recognise a quarter’.
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.

(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)



This week we will be learning about Traditional Tales in English.  Traditional Tales are also known as Fairy Tales.


Look at this video to find out about the features of a Traditional Tale:  


Today we will be writing Goldilocks and the Three Bears.


You can listen to the story on this link:


Alternatively, if you have got the book at home you can read that.


Today on Purple Mash, we will be writing the traditional tale of Goldilocks and the three bears.

Please start your story with a common sentence opener such as Once upon a time.

Friday 27th March 2020


Good morning!  

You are all doing a fantastic job with your home learning, keep it up!

Just a quick reminder that Joe Wicks is doing a PE lesson every morning at 9am. The link to this is on our home learning page. Additionally, on this page is the link to Mr Mc’s phonics channel. He is introducing a sound a day and is definitely worth a watch!




Year 1:

Year 1 link:


  1. Watch Lesson 3 video- ‘Compare mass’.
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.

(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)


Year 2:

Year 2 link:


  1. Watch Lesson 3 video- ‘Find a half’.
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.

(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)



(The children have used the 2Create a Story activity before so should be familiar with this)


Using the ideas from the plan you did yesterday; write an e-book story about your Smed and Smoo.  Add pictures using the felt tip pen tools. You can animate your pictures using the animation button which looks like a person moving. The text box at the bottom of the page is for you to add the sentences from your story. If you would like to add a new page in your e-book click on the purple arrow. When you have done save and hand-in your work for marking.


A good example is as follows:


Page 1: One day on a faraway planet lived a young Scup called Penelope.

Page 2: Not far away, on a marshmallow hill lived a young Blap by the name of Jack.

Page 3: Penelope and Jack lived under the fiery red sky of Planet Slop. Where the lakes are like orange jelly and the spaghetti trees wobble in the warm breeze.

Page 4: The Grandfather Scup and the Grandmother Blap would tell their grandchildren not to play with each other because they were different. That didn’t stop Penelope and Jack…

Page 5: Penelope and Jack sneaked away in the middle of the night and boarded a shiny, fast rocket. Soon the Grandparents were in pursuit to bring them back home.


And so on…

Thursday 26th March 2020


Good morning!




Year 1:

Year 1 link:


  1. Watch Lesson 2 video- ‘Measure mass’.
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.

(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)


Year 2:

Year 2 link:


  1. Watch Lesson 2 video- ‘Recognise a half’.
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.

(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)



Tomorrow you will be writing your Smed and Smoo story. So today I would like you to plan some of the key things that will happen in your story including a beginning, middle and end. Double click in the picture boxes to add a picture to each part of your plan. Double click in the text boxes to add some simple sentences.

In the beginning of Julia Donaldson’s book the Smoos and Smeds were separated and were not allowed to play with each other. In the middle, Janet and Bill got onto a rocket and flew away so they could be together and the Grandparents tried to find them. In the end, they returned to their planet to find Janet and Bill and their new baby.


What will happen in your story?

Wednesday 25th March 2020


Good morning!



Today, we are going to be using The White Rose Hub instead of Purple Mash.


Year 1:

Year 1 link:


  1. Watch Lesson 1 video- ‘Introduce weight and mass’.
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.

(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)


Year 2:

Year 2 link:


  1. Watch Lesson 1 video- ‘Make equal parts’.
  2. Click on the ‘Get the Activity’ link’.
  3. Work through the activities with a parent.

(You could use your blank maths workbook to record your answers if you wish.)



Today, I would like you to design your own fantasy setting for the Smoos and Smeds you designed yesterday. This is in your Purple Mash 2Dos saved as ‘2Paint’. Use the background tool and the felt tip pen tools to create your own Trockles (trees), Glompoms (flowers), Humplety Hill and Lobular Lake.  


You can remind yourself of the original story by clicking the link below:


Once you have created your fantasy setting picture write a postcard about your planet. This is on your Purple Mash 2Dos saved as ‘Setting Description’.

What does it look like? What can you smell? What can you hear? What grows there? Remember to use lots of adjectives.


WAGOLL: Dear Mum, I am on Planet Zoople. I can see stars twinkling over the bright red sky. Entire trees made of spaghetti wobble in the wind. Sweet-smelling marshmallow flowers grow tall in the purple grass. From...

Tuesday 24th March 2020


Good morning, please see below today's lesson outlines. 




In maths we have been looking at fractions. Class 2 can now find a half, a third and a quarter of shapes and numbers. They have also looked at non-unit fractions such as 2 quarters and three quarters. Today, practice drawing shapes and splitting them equally into the fractions you have learnt about. You could also find a fraction of an amount using the one for me and one for you method. 


On Purple Mash you will see in your 2Dos a game called Fractonio's Pizza. Help Fractonio make the pizza for his customers with the correct fraction of ingredients. 




In English we have been learning about books with Fantasy Settings. Last week we read The Smeds and the Smoos by Julia Donaldson. You can find videos of someone reading this book on YouTube if you would like to remind yourself of the story. This week we will be writing our own version of this book, creating our own alien creatures and fantasy settings. Today, I would like you to design a new alien creature using the ‘My Monster’ activity on Purple mash. Then I would like you to complete the 'My Smed or Smoo Character description' writing activity on Purple Mash to tell me what your Smed or Smoo look like. Use the key words to help you. 
