Class 4
Welcome to Class 4!
Our Class Saint is St. John Paul II
Class teacher:
Mrs Woolley (Monday-Tuesday)
Miss Edwards (Wednesday - Friday)
Learning in Class 4:
Here is an overview of the learning that we will be exploring in all subjects this year.
Subject | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
English | Grammar
Writing an explanation text
| Writing a narrative
Recount: Science | Recount: diary
Characterising speech
| Recount: letter
Setting description | Instructions | Persuasive advert
Non-chronological report |
Maths (Year 5) | Place Value, four operations | Fractions | Multiplication, division, decimals and percentages | Graphs, tables, perimeter and area
| Geometry | Converting units, negative numbers |
Maths (Year 6) | Four operations
| Fractions, measure | Algebra, ratio and proportion | Decimals, percentages | Geometry, statistics
| Problem Solving
R.E | Creation | The miracles of Jesus; Advent | Christmas; Baptism | Parables; Lent | Easter; The Work of the Apostles
| Marriage; Holy Orders |
Science | Forces | Animals including humans | Living things and their habitat | Electricity | Animals including humans | Living things and their habitat |
Geography | Coasts | Deserts | Volcanoes & Earthquakes | Volcanoes & Earthquakes | South America | South America |
History | The Victorians | The Victorians | Maya Civilization | Maya Civilization | Ancient Greece | Ancient Greece |
P.E | Netball | Netball | Gymnastics | Net & wall | Striking &fielding | Athletics |
Art | L.S Lowry | L.S Lowry | Alberto Giacometti | Alberto Giacometti | Jean- Michael Basquiat | Jean- Michael Basquiat |
D.T | Structures | Mechanical systems | Mechanical systems | Textiles | textiles | Food technology |
ICT | Coding | Spreadsheets | Databases | Game creation | 3D modelling | Concept maps |
Music | Instrument | Instrument | Instrument | Instrument | Instrument | Instrument |
French | Geography | Monster Pets | Space | Shopping | Verbs | Family |
Class 4 have P.E lessons on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure the children have their kits in school on these days, and their items are named.
Maths, grammar and reading homework will be set each Friday and must be completed by the following Thursday. The children complete this homework in their homework books.
Additionally, the children will be given homework projects weekly relating to one of our foundation subjects.
Other homework expectations:
- Reading: you should read every day at home for at least 10 minutes. Please read with a parent or sibling if you can and ask them to write a comment in your reading record.
- Maths: TT Rockstars - spend 10-15 minutes each day practising your times tables! Knowing your timetables is essential in maths as it provides the foundation that many of our maths concepts build upon.
Useful websites:
Keep up to date with the latest information using the link to our school Facebook page: