Class 4
Welcome to Class 4!
Our Class Saint is St. John Paul II
Mrs Woolley - Monday, Tuesday
Mr Farnell - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Learning in Class 4:
There will be lots of new and exciting learning taking place in Class 4 this year! Here you will be able to find an overview for what we will be covered in each subject.
Please ensure PE kit is in school each Thursday and Friday for PE lessons
Homework will be set each Friday and must be completed by the following Thursday.
Most of the homework will be set online using the websites below. All login details for these websites can be found inside the front cover of reading records.
Homework to be completed each week:
- Reading: you should read every day at home for at least 10 minutes. Please read with a parent or sibling if you can and ask them to write a comment in your reading record.
- Maths: TT Rockstars - spend 10-15 minutes each day practising your times table! It's really important.
All other homework set each week will be communicated via Class Dojo.
Useful websites:
Keep up to date with the latest information using the link to our school Facebook page: